Blog / 2017.06.19
ML6 Polyurethane Significantly Improves Productivity and Reduces Downtime

The world’s largest manufacturer of manila envelopes and folders, contacted Meridian Laboratories due to numerous challenges they faced with multiple rollers on various models of machines. Aside from the fact that factory supplied machine ground rubber rollers wore out quickly, the rollers caused numerous problems throughout the manufacturing process because of the very fact they were machine ground. That’s where Polyurethane, ML6 comes in.
- Inconsistent tolerances of the outside diameter caused paper jams
- Poor friction on rollers as dust particles imbedded into the roller’s porous ground surface caused jams and misfeeds
- Irregularities in rollers caused printing processes to shift or trail, which in turn produced flawed printing results and incorrect cutting actions
- Flat spots on rollers caused jams and errors
These issues led to downtime and decreased productivity.
Within their fabrication processes, the manufacturer operated a variety of machines utilizing various sized wheels and rollers. Traditionally they operated their equipment until the parts failed. Although the metal core/insert on the parts remained usable, they were forced to purchase completely new parts – their current supplier providing no other option. Their supplier, the original equipment manufacturer, is located overseas which meant:
- High priced replacement parts
- Long lead times
- Exorbitant shipping costs
After having purchased entirely new rollers for over 20 years directly from the original equipment manufacturer, they turned to Meridian Laboratory. To increase productivity and reduce downtime, the manufacturer needed a local, reliable supplier that could supply parts on demand as well as resurface their existing parts with new materials.
- Meridian Laboratory’s precision molded polyurethane ML6 rollers fulfilled these requirements
- Precision molding guarantees the exact surface finish, quality, and specifications on every single part. The diameters on precision molded Polyurethane ML6 rollers are guaranteed to be within +/-0.001” tolerance and T.I.R.
- Since Polyurethane ML6 rollers are precision molded versus ground, the particles that eventually adhere to its surface can be easily removed, providing extended wear (longevity) and improved friction
- Improved friction drive surface and higher tolerance parts decreases jams and machine errors
Meridian Laboratory can strip and recover parts in as little as a few days, depending on volumes. Additionally, all their products are manufactured in the United States and shipped worldwide; therefore, Thanks to Meridian Laboratory, they now have a set of spare parts in-house to install when spent rollers require refurbishment. This means decreased costs, minimum downtime and maximum uptime/productivity.
Since providing the initial samples, Meridian Laboratory now supplies different sizes and styles of parts in varying diameters and durometers based on their client’s applications and processes. This customer continues to turn to the expertise of Meridian Laboratory as they design new prototypes and create additional processes.